Saturday, December 26, 2009

Who Stole the Month of December?

Wow. Can't believe it is already the 26th of December. Christmas, at least officially, is over! There is still a week of vacation for the kiddos, so the fun will go on for a bit yet.

It's funny how immediately following Christmas, every year, I go into this hyper planning/organizing mode. I'm trying to remember to just relax for a bit more and enjoy the season, and the family and friends that surround me.

No, I wasn't able to get the Wii this year. It is going to be one of my goals for next year- save up to buy one, with cash. I really, really want one. It's kinda funny, actually.

We had a great Christmas. It felt very relaxing for me this year. Could be because it is only the 5th year out of the last 9 that I wasn't 8+ months pregnant. Could be because I kept the shopping and buying to a minimum, and then there isn't so much to wrap, either! I also didn't do ANY baking. I decided that the more I bake, the more I eat, and I don't need it. Guess what... we didn't miss it, not a bit! Was very nice to simplify a little bit.

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